Thursday, July 14, 2011

No This is Not a Fashion Statement!

Somehow while working out I have managed to hurt my arm. I can hardly raise my arm without being in horrible pain. So, off to my doctor I went. After two X-rays, lots of probing, three shots and an prescription for a pain killer my doctor informed me that her office was out of slings. "No problem", I said "I will just pick one up at CVS while getting my Rx filled." Well the problem was on me. Not only did CVS and Walgreens not carry them, none of the medical suppliers I called had them in stock so, I did what any resourceful gal would do and made my own make-shift sling out of a scarf. Later, at a local Starbucks today I have literally had three different people ask me in their own way if I was making a fashion statement or if this was the new trend! I thought that was absolutely hilarious!!!

What resourceful things do you do? Tell me on Twitter @CortneyBailey

Cortney a.k.a. Cort

Lacquer Up TEXAS!

Over the years OPI has presented some pretty adorable nail polish collections. My girlfriends and I alway find it a real hoot to remember what color we are showcasing such a "Lincoln Park After Dark" and "I'm not Really a Waitress." Therefore I was very excited to discover that this Summer and Spring 2011 collection by OPI is none other than TEXAS - my home state! Yee-Haw! I can hardly wait to try on the newly designed nail lacquer. There are twelve new colors in all and here are a few of the names I like best (However I have to admit No Dallas reference OPI? Really!)

  • Y'all Come Back Ya Hear?
  • Its Totally Fort Worth It!
  • Houston We Have a Purple.
  • Don't Mess With OPI
  • Do You Think I'm Tex-y?
What is your favorite nail polish and color? Let me know on Twitter as I'm always looking @CortneyBailey

Cortney a.k.a. Cort

Lavender Bliss

If you have not discovered Trader Joe's Lavender Dryer Bags then you are in for a treat! This product not only leaves your clothes smelling extra yummy and fresh but the bags are reusable to up to five times! The bags, which are filled with lavender seeds, can also be used for a variety of purposes. I like to put mine in my closet and inside my pillows to create a relaxing scent.

How do you like to use your TJ Lavender Dryer Bags? Tell me on Twitter @CortneyBailey

Cortney a.k.a. Cort

Royal Fashion Makes a Splash Across the Pond!

The Royals may have been splashed all over the news as they toured North America last week but to no surprise it was Kate Middleton that stole the show ... the fashion show that is! Dressed in high fashion as expected The Duchess looked classy yet stylish in all of her several wardrobe changes. Above are my top five favorite fashions worn by Catherine during the Royal tour.

What was your favorite? Tell me on Twitter @CortneyBailey

Cortney a.k.a. Cort

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Don't Turn Your Pup Into A "Hot Dog"!

You love your dog, right? Then there is no need to turn him into an unnecessary "hot dog"! Pets can overheat just like us humans. Its been said hundreds of times before but if your pup cannot go inside a store with you then leave him at home! Rolling your windows down is not an option either because your car's temperature can rise over 120 degrees easily. Also, if your pet spends a lot of time outside below are a few signs and precautions to look out for before a heatstroke takes place. Last, don't forget to love, love, love you best friend - they love you more than you will ever know!!!

Signs of Heatstroke
  • Panting
  • Staring
  • Anxious expression
  • Refusal to obey commands
  • Warm, dry skin
  • High fever
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Vomiting
  • Collapse
Precautions to take if your pet lives outdoors
  • Ensure adequate shelter from sun/midday heat
  • Outdoor kennels should be well-ventilated and in the shade
  • Provide plenty of fresh water in a bowl that cannot be tipped over
  • Avoid excessive exercise on hot days
  • Talk with your local veterinarian to determine if your long-haired Fido needs a summer haircut
Tell me about your pet on Twitter: @CortneyBailey

Cortney a.k.a. Cort


During a recent trip I arrived at my hotel to unpack my Tumi suitcase only to discover that the zipper had basically unraveled. Yes, I know, how does a zipper unravel? I have no clue but that is exactly what it looked like. Not only was I upset that my extra expensive luggage was ruined but I was only staying at my current hotel one night before I moved on to the next location. For a moment I felt like a damsel in distress, ha! Should I ask the hotel for a large bag? Should I try and find an outlet store and buy a new suitcase? Or maybe I should see if there was a Tumi store in the city! Yes, that is exactly what I did. To my surprise buying an expensive piece of luggage paid off, literally. The sales person told me to bring in my luggage, they would ship if off for repair and give me a loaner! I went to the store and few moments after filling out a few forms I was off with a brand new loaner! Thanks to Tumi I was free to travel carefree. Thank you Tumi!!!

Let me know your travel experiences on Twitter: @CortneyBailey


Cortney a.k.a. Cort

Rihanna LIVE & Loud

While in Vegas last weekend I attended Rihanna's "Loud Tour" concert. I was excited to have tickets, especially since they were up-close and personal floor seats, but I held no expectations for the Barbados beauty. Yes her radio hits are catchy but would she really be able to entertain live? The answer is yes! Rihanna sounded just like her album. She hit the high and low notes perfectly and she and her dancers shown. The audience was able so dance and sing along with most of her two hour show as her chart topping tunes were all played. Another great feature of the show was Rihanna joined her fans twice by looping around the floor seats giving all her fans a chance to see her no matter where they sat - as you can see from the photo above! Last, there was definitely a high level of sexuality preformed on stage therefore I personally would not recommend this tour for under aged fans - adults only!

What summer concerts do you recommend? Let me know on Twitter: @cortneybailey

Cortney a.k.a. Cort

Friday, July 1, 2011

Almost a Golden Goddess

For the Fourth-of-July weekend I thought I would treat myself to a little golden splurge, a spray tan! I was planning a trip to Los Vegas for the holiday weekend and after a quick glance in the mirror I realized I was paler than Snow White herself. So on the way to the airport I quickly popped into a tanning salon, received spray tanning instructions from the sales lady and began the process to becoming a "golden goddess". As pre-spray PH balance began, the sales lady promised me for five extra dollars I would be more golden brown than orange, I realized I forgot to apply the special cream to my fingers and toes so they would not show the signs of my fake tan. I hopped out of the machine applied the special cream as fast as I could and got back into the spray machine for my road to golden glory! After the application was finished I dressed and headed for the airport, excited that by the time I landed in Sin City I would be a few shades closer to looking as if I did not live in a cave. It was not until I was preparing for bed that I realized I completely forgot to apply the magical cream to the bottom of my feet! No scrubbing or soap would wash away this mistake. I guess the "cat is out of the bag" - I would be an almost "golden goddess" for the weekend ... just don't peek at the bottom of my feet!

Tell me about your funny tanning stories on Twitter: @cortneybailey

Cortney a.k.a. Cort