Friday, July 1, 2011

Almost a Golden Goddess

For the Fourth-of-July weekend I thought I would treat myself to a little golden splurge, a spray tan! I was planning a trip to Los Vegas for the holiday weekend and after a quick glance in the mirror I realized I was paler than Snow White herself. So on the way to the airport I quickly popped into a tanning salon, received spray tanning instructions from the sales lady and began the process to becoming a "golden goddess". As pre-spray PH balance began, the sales lady promised me for five extra dollars I would be more golden brown than orange, I realized I forgot to apply the special cream to my fingers and toes so they would not show the signs of my fake tan. I hopped out of the machine applied the special cream as fast as I could and got back into the spray machine for my road to golden glory! After the application was finished I dressed and headed for the airport, excited that by the time I landed in Sin City I would be a few shades closer to looking as if I did not live in a cave. It was not until I was preparing for bed that I realized I completely forgot to apply the magical cream to the bottom of my feet! No scrubbing or soap would wash away this mistake. I guess the "cat is out of the bag" - I would be an almost "golden goddess" for the weekend ... just don't peek at the bottom of my feet!

Tell me about your funny tanning stories on Twitter: @cortneybailey

Cortney a.k.a. Cort

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