Saturday, January 19, 2008

Scientology, Changing People's Life's?

In the new Tom Cruise Scientology Video he does a lot of rambling, laughing, 'swishing' ... but man he IS serious!  He claims that he knows they "really have an opportunity to really help for the first time, effectively change people's lives."  He goes on to say that he is "dedicated to that."

That sure is a lot of talk Tom, where is the action?  Is he an anonymous donor and we, the public, just don't know about his major contributions of change?  No, seriously we are talking about a man who, when on Oprah's set, jumped on the yellow couch to proclaim his love for Katie Holmes.  If his passion, to change people's lives, ran this deep wouldn't Mr. Cruise make sure the world knew about it?  If not  Tom his well paid publicist sure would!

Come on Tom, its time to dig deep and get those handsome hands a little dirty.  Take a hint from 'do gooder' UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie.

Watch Tom’s video and decide for yourself:

Cortney a.k.a. Cort

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