Monday, January 21, 2008

"I Have A Dream," Do You?

Today, many Americans honor the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This year also marks the 40th anniversary of his assassination in Memphis, Tennessee.

Dr. King had a great "Dream." Yet our country, however much we too believe in his dream, has not achieved it. Yes, this year America could possibly vote a black man into the most powerful office in the world but take a look around and you'll find major change still needs to happen.

Change has slowly developed over the years and if we continue to fuel the "Dream" I think change will slowly continue. Let's seek change, for example, in the still segregated schools who lack the proper funds to give our next generation a chance. Change for over populated prisons who hold over 200,000 black college-age men.

Has our country achieved the fact that "All men are created equal"? I think not but I do think if we continue to believe in Dr. King's dream, then slowly, equality will one day come. Although one day is not close, in my opinion, it is not unreachable.

To view Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous "I Have A Dream Speech" watch below

Cortney a.k.a. Cort

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