Monday, December 5, 2011

Segway All The Way!

Are you looking for a fun activity to do outdoors that does not involve huffing and puffing? I would recommend you take a Segway tour! This is a leisurely outing that can be done alone, with friends or family. I took the Segway LA tour in Santa Monica, California but many major cities offer this exciting excursion. After you arrive at the Segway tour location of your choice you should receive a training session which lasts about twenty minutes. Once you are comfortable on the Segway you are off on your two-hour journey. Segway LA allows you to stay with your tour guide or go out on your own to explore the boardwalks of Santa Monica and Venice Beach. I started out with the tour group and then ventured out on my own with my friend and we had a blast! If you are nervous about riding on a Segway please don’t be! Trust me, after the first five minutes on the two-wheeled vehicle you will feel like a pro. Don’t forget to wear comfortable shoes and clothing and if you are riding in the winter, like I did, make sure you wear a coat!

Let me know what fun outings you enjoy during your free time on Twitter @CortneyBailey

Cortney a.k.a. Cort

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