Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Two-a-Days Triceps If You Please

Exercise 1:

Exercise 2:

Today's at-home exercise, can be accomplished by using fitness bands, will focus on the triceps. The bands that I use can be purchased on-line or at your local sporting store. My favorite brand is SPRI and they come in various colors that serve as the different levels of strength.

There are two different triceps exercises, that I will focus on today, that can be done by using the bands.

Exercise 1:

Stand, with your right foot, on one end of your band. Hold the other end of the band, right under the handle, with your left hand. Wrap the band behind your back. The foot left anchors you. Holding the band straight up in the air, position "A", bend your elbow behind your head, position "B". From position B return to A. Repeat this exercise for one minute then switch to the opposite side. If one minute is too much try 30 seconds on the right side then 30 seconds on the left side.

Exercise 2:

Stand on the band with both feet. Bend your knees slightly and lean forward as if you were going to ski down a mountain. Hold the band's handles in your hands and bend your elbow in an "L" shape so that it can act like a door henge. This is position "A". Straighten your arms backward so that your arms no longer are in the shape of an "L". This is position "B". From position B return to position A. Repeat these positions for one minute.

In no time you will begin to see shapely triceps develop!

Let me know how these triceps exercises helped you on Twitter: @CortneyBailey


Cortney a.k.a Cort

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