Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Pink's The New Grey?

Pink Dolphin Swimming In Lake Calcasieu, Louisiana

It’s a raft, it’s a Anna Nicole Smith’s lost bathing suit, no it’s a pink dolphin!

Erik Rue, a charter boat captain, saw the pink dolphin during an excursion and photographed it, saying, "I had never seen anything like it. It's the same color throughout the whole body and it looks like it just came out of a paint booth."

The pink dolphin is not in danger or dangerous to others. Its interesting color is the result of albinism, which is indicated by its red eyes as well as its pink skin.

Senior biologist with the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, Regina Asmutis-Silvia, advises people who see the pink dolphin to "be careful, as with any dolphins, to respect it - observe from a distance, limit their time watching, don't chase or harass it."
I don't k know about you but I'm quite fond of the new pink! Maybe it's God's little way of putting a smile on our faces during this economic crunch!

Cortney a.k.a. Cort

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