Sunday, March 2, 2008


Cortney Bailey Hosts the 18th Annual "Night of 100 Stars" in Diamonds by Linda Kim

I’m rewinding back to the “Night of 100 Stars” - Oscar Night – so that you can view the LIVE internet videos. So if you have two hours of your life (right who has two hours???) sit back and enjoy the LIVE footage! If you are limited to a few minutes (like most of us) just fast-forward and stop when you see a celeb that catches your eye!

A few things to know:

1. Clearly we are having a fun time…hey you have to when it’s LIVE!

2. Celeb interviews start around 38 minutes in. P.S. The longer you view the better the celebs get…however some of the non-celeb interviews are pretty darn entertaining…esp. the stocker interview!! It still cracks me up!

3. Bear with me on the first few minutes of the first video! We had microphone and camera issues!!! If you fast – forward to about the 20 minute mark the feed picks up a little more!

4. The second video features veteran entertainment reporter/ correspondent John Pattyson on the Red Carpet! I was thrilled to get to work with him! You will see me pop in and out of the video half way though because I was conducting other interviews at the time! Click below to watch:

Click Here To Watch Night of 100 Stars!

Cortney a.k.a. Cort

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