Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Church Issues 30 Day Sex Challenge!

That’s right, Pastor Paul Wirth of Relevant Church in Florida is challenging his congregation to have sex for 30 days straight! Yes 30 days! Yeah-who, right? Yeah-who only if you are married says Wirth. He is asking for his single members to take the 30 days of abstinence challenge.

Why such extreme measures on either end you may ask. According to Wirth he is worried about divorce rates being so high. He wants his married and single church members to “refocus their sex lives around what God’s principles are.”

What do you think? Is this challenge a little radical for today’s church-goers? Is it a practical challenge for busy couples to actually meet? What about the singles in the congregation?

For more information on this sexy topic visit:


Watch the clip below to form your final opinion.

Cortney a.k.a. Cort

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think this proposal is way too radical for my taste. I would be offended if I was a wife at that church... as if sex would save whatever is wrong with my marriage.