Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Have you checked out my other Blog?  Click the link below!!!

Today BELIEVE in yourself! Allow yourself to DREAM – I give you permission! If you want to create your own WONDERLAND for your home, no matter if it’s the entire home or just a small corner tucked away for you, open yourself up to what makes you HAPPY in the place that you Dwell! Maybe a certain color just makes you feel good about yourself or perhaps it’s a secure feeling you get when you wrap yourself up in a soft blanket or it could be having your space extremely organized – no Wonderland is wrong and all of our ideas will be different  – Thank Goodness!!! Whatever your Wonderland may be, whether it’s Modern or Traditional, Large or Small or somewhere in between -  it’s your space. Start today and let’s DREAM, DESIGN & DWELL together!

a.k.a. Cortney

Follow me on Twitter: @CortneyBailey

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

Wishing You a Happy & Safe 4th of July!  Let Freedom Ring!

Cheers! Cort
aka - Cortney